Annette Gendler

Annette Gendler's Newsletter

Pandemic Times Ponderings (Vol. I, Issue 6)

Published: Mon, 06/08/20

Dear Readers, I hope with all my heart that all of you have been safe and sound through these unsettling times. When I sent my last newsletter on…

Pandemic Times Ponderings (Vol. I, Issue 5)

Published: Mon, 05/25/20

Dear Readers, My husband loves following flag protocol, and so on Memorial Day today we lowered our Stars and Stripes until noon in honor of those…

Pandemic Times Ponderings (Vol. I, Issue 4)

Published: Mon, 05/11/20

Dear Readers, On the one hand it pains me that this is the fourth edition of my Pandemic Times because it means this craziness has been going on for…

Pandemic Times Ponderings (Vol. I, Issue 3)

Published: Mon, 04/27/20

Dear Readers, First of all, a big thank you to those of you who responded to my last newsletter with pointers on how to deal with an iety. I really,…

Pandemic Times Ponderings (Vol. I, Issue 2)

Published: Mon, 04/13/20

Dear Readers, Greetings from my balcony! I hope you have a space outside even as we are all confined to stay at home. I can't even count how many…

Pandemic Times Ponderings (Vol. I, Issue 1)

Published: Mon, 04/06/20

Dear Readers, Enough of you wrote back that you wouldn't mind me writing to you more frequently these days as we are all stuck at home, trying to make…

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